Wednesday, July 16, 2008 it really that bad of a gift?

I wont bore people with the story I just want opinions. If your soon to be husbands best friends all pitched in and bought him an X-Box 360 with games and a guitar for guitar hero would you...

a) Think it was really generous of his friends to spend that much on him and be grateful for the gift.

b) Tell his friends and parents of the friends that the gift is "unacceptable and inappropriate" and "that you would rather leave the gift at the wedding dinner and not take it home"


Pulver Palooza said...

Let my husband keep it! It would have saved me the second job for a month saving up just to buy him one. That was fun! Take the wonderful gift and run. That is a no brainer.

Allison said...

I think you know my opinion...Enjoy your new X box!

MJJarman said...

I would let my husband keep it, and bought it for fathers day. So I would thing my husbands friends were awesome, but I would have to take back the one I already bought him for our wedding because I would know as a good wife that he would want one and would have bought one for him myself, because marriage is about showing your spouse how much you love them!!!!!!! NOT BEING SELFISH AND TACTLESS.

MJJarman said...

my comment got botched so disregard, but I think we all know how I feel

Amanda the Couch said...

still in shock.

Amy's Angels said...

Yeah, I still don't know what to say about all of that...OK, I do, but won't. It honestly still makes me sad. I'm impressed you tackled the subject on your blog!

Jer + Lu said...

The groom's sister here... (hopefully I won't embarrass him by commenting). Let's keep in mind there's 2 sides to every story. Yes, it was an incredibly thoughtful gift for HIM, but not for a newly married couple who actually have NEEDS in starting their new life together. I am just shocked beyond belief that all of his "friends" would take their money back and leave them with NOTHING because they had their pride hurt. Isn't it time to think about what matters most? (props to Mike for stepping up and standing by his friend)